
Method: GET

Authorization: You can use your access_token from application or from user


  • wt: json(default) or xml, the API accepts this information in the request's header(i.e. "Accept: application/xml" or "Accept: application/json"). So you can use the parameter wt or use Accept header.
  • fl: (optional) specify the fields that will be returned for each result
  • {placeId}: is the place id information that you get from search result
  • rows: (optional) the default is 10 and maximum 50
  • start: (optional) the default is 0, it's used for pagination
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"

If successful, this call will return:

					"text":"É a melhor opção de passeio para o domingo pela manhã em Curitiba, está sempre lotada com muitos moradores e principalmente turistas. Já éum programa tradicional para fazer umas compras e depois tomar aquela cervejinha.",
							"name":"Luis Henrique Krauser",
					"name":"Feira do Largo da Ordem",

Method: POST

Authorization: You can use your access_token from application or from user


  • xml or json in request body:
  • {
      "review": {
        "text": "review text",
        "statistics": { "rating": "review rating" }
curl -v -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" -d "{"review": {"text": "review text","statistics": { "rating": "review rating" }}}"

If successful, this call will just return a HTTP_STATUS_CODE: 201 that represents Created{reviewId}/thumbsUp

Method: POST

Authorization: You can use your access_token from user. The access_token from application is not allowed


  • {reviewId}: Review id

If successful, this call will just return a HTTP_STATUS_CODE: 204 Not Content